Overview of reports from the Sanyo Chemical Group
The Sanyo Chemical Group issues annual reports on the following subjects in order to give stakeholders an overview of the Sanyo Chemical Group.
Our Integrated Reports cover mostly short, medium, and long term strategies. Our Securities Reports provide finance and accounting information as required by law. Lastly, our Sustainability Reports attempt to provide comprehensive ESG-related disclosures.
We also use our corporate website to disclose corporate information in a timely manner, in addition to making available archives of our integrated reports, securities reports (Japanese only), and sustainability reports.
Reporting period
This report covers FY2023 (April 2023 to March 2024), but includes content through June 2024 for management-related matters that have made significant progress, including organizational and policy changes. Numerical data concerning ESG covers the period from April 2023 to March 2024.
Reporting covers primarily companies in the Sanyo Chemical Group.
(shares the same scope as the Securities Report)
Sanyo Chemical Industries, Ltd.
- SDP Global Co., Ltd. *1
- San Chemical Co., Ltd.
- San-Apro Ltd.
- San-Petrochemicals Co., Ltd.
- Sanyo Chemical Logistics Co., Ltd.
- Shiohama Chemicals Warehouse Co., Ltd.
- FUJIFILM Sanyo Chemical Healthcare Corporation
- Sanyo Kasei (Nantong) Co., Ltd. *1 *2
- San-Dia Polymers (Nantong) Co., Ltd. *1 *2
- Sanyo Chemical (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd.
- San Nopco (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd.
- DaXiang International Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
- Sanyo Kasei Korea, Ltd.
- Sanyo Chemical Manufacturing Korea, Ltd.
- San Nopco (Korea) Limited
- Sanyo Chemical America Incorporated.
- Sanyo Chemical Texas Industries, LLC *2
- Sunrise Chemical LLC
- Sanyo Kasei (Thailand) Ltd. *2
Companies with "*1" after their name decided to discontinue their business in March 2024. Although they are therefore scheduled to be dissolved or are under consideration for transfer (transfer of equity), they are still included in the scope of this report.
In principle, environmental data and other numerical data pertain to Sanyo Chemical Industries, Ltd., all business sites of subsidiaries and affiliates in Japan, and five overseas subsidiaries and affiliates that have production facilities (the above companies with "*2" after their name). Notes are indicated when the scope of aggregation is different.
Management involvement in the production of this report and the sustainability website
There is an interview with Akinori Higuchi, Representative Director, President and CEO. There is also a message from Director in charge of Sustainability Hiroyuki Susaki.
Report is made to the Management Council when these reports are issued or the sustainability website is updated.
Inquiries concerning this report
Responsible Care Department, Sanyo Chemical Industries, Ltd. ; E-Mail csr@sanyo-chemical.group
Guidelines referenced
GRI's Sustainability Reporting Standards
ISO26000 :2010 (Guidance on Social Responsibility)
October 2024
Scheduled publication: October 2025, Previous publication: November 2023
Published once a year
Corrections and revisions
GHG emissions data by Scope and data related to resource recycling and waste in ESG Performance Data (Environment) have been revised retroactively to before FY2022. For details, please refer to the notes on the relevant pages.
Cover Design for this Sustainability Report
We use the artwork of Paralym Art, which is operated by the Shougaisha Jiritsu Suishin Kikou Association.
- Title
- The Colors of Life
- Artist Name
- Yumi Kikuchi
Paralym Art is an activity that promotes the social participation and economic independence of people with disabilities through artistic expression.
We support the independence of artists with disabilities as an official partner of Paralym Art.