At the Sanyo Chemical Group, we believe that we can achieve greater sustainability for society and the company by practicing good communication, and thereby forge trust-based, cooperative relationships with stakeholders based on an understanding of their interests and needs.


The Sanyo Chemical Group strives to ensure that our customers, business partners, shareholders, investors, local communities, employees, and other stakeholders have an accurate view of the Group’s corporate value. We proactively disclose financial and non-financial information of our group in a fair manner, and promote dialogue so that we can understand the expectations and evaluations of our Group from the viewpoint of our stakeholders and reflect them in our corporate activities. We also promote communication among Group employees with the aim of building a sense of unity within the Group.

Communication with Stakeholders

*Horizontally scrollable

Main stakeholders Communication policy and attitude Main communication opportunities
Customers We aim to improve customer satisfaction by offering safe and secure products that meet the needs of customers, and by responding promptly, appropriately, and wholeheartedly to their opinions and requests.
  • Direct communication through sales activities including exhibition sales
  • Inquiries by phone or via the website
  • Responding to customers' green procurement, etc.
  • Dissemination of information on initiatives for new products, new technologies, and new business fields
  • Communication of corporate information and ESG information
Suppliers We work on sustainable procurement with cooperation from suppliers, and maintain long-term trust based on fair and impartial transactions.
  • Direct communication through procurement activities
  • CSR questionnaires
  • Meetings to exchange opinions with suppliers
Shareholders and investors We disclose information about the Group in a timely, appropriate, and fair manner to help shareholders and investors correctly understand and recognize the corporate value of the Group.
  • Seminars for institutional investors and analysts, and response to interviews
  • Seminars for individual investors
  • General meetings of shareholders
  • Research laboratory tours
  • Shareholder questionnaires
  • Timely communication of corporate information and ESG information
Local communities We deepen communication with local communities to help people understand the activities of the Sanyo Chemical Group and ensure harmony with such communities.
  • Social contribution activities, such as sponsoring events and supporting schools
  • Cooperation for disaster prevention and traffic safety
  • Contribution
  • Creating jobs in our regions of business
Employees We aim to create a workplace where every employee feels pride and satisfaction in his/her work.
  • Various education and training programs, talks with the management, interviews
  • Personnel systems, such as workstyles and health management
  • In-house newsletters and Intranet
  • Whistleblowing contact point (hotline)
  • Dialogue with the labor union

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Major Participating Organizations